The Global Health Economics Hub is a community of practice for those who work, or are interested, in the field of health economics and its application to realising the priorities and addressing the challenges of health systems in low- and middle-income country settings.
Member engagement is an important feature of the Hub. Online community forums serve to enable users to share ideas and experiences with one another, ask questions of health economics specialists, and foster new partnerships.
Forums are located in the ‘Community’ section of the Hub.
Purpose and audience
Community forums will be set-up to respond to the specific needs of the Hub’s users. They may take the form of groups focussed upon specific topic or challenge areas (e.g. health benefit package design; provider payment systems). All members are encouraged to interact on the public groups.
Private groups may also be set-up for groups of members to facilitate specific training needs (e.g. student groups on MSc health economics courses).
Please let us know if you have an idea for a community forum! - you can submit your ideas via the Hub Feedback Survey.
Using the forums
Forums are a public platform on which all Hub members may interact. In addition to the Global Health Network’s standard operating terms and conditions, the Global Health Economics Hub encourages users of the forums to:
- Ask questions about health economics methods or theory
- Seek advice and guidance on use of health economics methods and/or theory to support with policy, evaluation, implementation challenges or opportunities
- Share your own experiences in using health economics in your workplace or area of study
- Share ideas for collaboration opportunities and connect with members in your country/ region
- Discuss latest health economics research 6. Support other members with their questions
The community forums will not be moderated by Hub administrators, however, researchers from Thanzi la Onse and the ECSA Health Community are active members of the Hub and will contribute to public discussions.
If you have a specific question or request for the TLO or ECSA-HC teams, please send an email to: